List of Viking Quotes from Norse Sagas, Poetry, & Famous Warriors
The Vikings of Scandinavia have long been subjects of fascination. While the people of Viking Age Scandinavia spent much of their time working peacefully as farmers, tradesmen, and rulers, we mostly remember the Vikings for their warrior capabilities.
It is true that the Vikings were fierce when called to battle. Men were encouraged to not only fight hard, but also use their minds to make the best decisions in tough circumstances.
Some elite Viking groups like the Jomsvikings even lived by a code of conduct that guided their decision making and behavior on and off the battlefield.
Viking wisdom was passed down from father to son and family to family through the Scandinavian oral storytelling tradition. Quotes and proverbs helped younger Vikings understand their role within the community and the expectations of their elders.
The following are some quotes, sayings, and proverbs that appear in Viking sagas, poetry, and other places. They are organized by subject for ease of reading.
Viking Bravery & Battle Quotes
When men meet foes in fight, better is stout heart than sharp sword.Volsunga, c.19
Often times it is not numbers that wins the victory, but those who fare forward with the most vigor.The Saga of Thrond of Gate, c.19
The brave man shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be.Fafnismal
It is better to fight and fall than to live without hope.The Saga of the Vosungs, c. 12
The error is the result of letting fear rule your actions.The Saga of Harald Hardrade
When a real battle starts you’ll always find that there is no bravest man.The Poetic Edda
Ill is the result of letting fear rule thine actions.The Saga of Harald Hardrade
Viking Character Quotes
Stubbornness brings either greater humiliation or greater honor.The Saga of Hrafnkel Freysgothi
A sword age, a wind age, a wolf age. No longer is there mercy among men.Snorri Sturluson
Only a coward waits to be taken like a lamb from the fold or a fox from a trap.Laxdaela Saga, c.40
Often is there regret for saying too much, and seldom regret for saying too little.The Saga of Hrafnkel Freysgothi, c. 7
A person’s actions are often worse than their intentions.The Saga of Hrafnkel Freysgothi, c. 10
Who can say what sorrow seemingly carefree folk bear to their life’s end.Volsunga Saga, c.24
Ill is it to do the wrong and leave the right undone.Króka-refs Saga, c.3
Better a brief spell of honour than a long rule of shame.Laxdaela Saga, c.29
It may often be that those live long who are slain with words alone.Njal's Saga, c.45
Wise men hold it that distance is the cure of rage.Heitharvega, c.35
General Advice from the Vikings
Great deeds and ill deeds often fall within each other’s shadow.Gisli Sursson
Where the wolf’s ears are, the wolf’s teeth are close.The Volsunga Saga, c. 19
Go you must. No guest shall stay in one place forever. Love will be lost if you sit too long at a friend’s fire.Havamal
The fool is busy in everyone’s business but his own.Kormak's Saga
A person should not agree today to what he will regret tomorrow.The Saga Bandamanna, c. 10
Everyone has some friends, even among his enemies.The Saga of Olaf Haraldsson
Not every cloud which darkens the day brings rain.Heitharvega Saga, c.7
Wisdom is welcome wherever it comes from.Bandamanna Saga, c.10
He falls not whom true friends help forward on his way.Egil's Saga, c.67
Every man must plough his own furrow.Vapnfirðinga Saga, c.5
If words leave the lips, they travel.Fljotsdale Saga, c.11
It can be expected that a man who has a lot on his mind will not always be careful enough.The Saga of Hrafnkel Freysgothi, c.9
Forethought is better than afterthought.Vatnsdæla Saga, c.40
The Vikings were a strong tribe of people. Strong and hard but heavy handed on people who were against them, but they also protected people once their dominance was in charge